Age Calculator

The Age Calculator shows you the age or time interval between two dates. It tells you the difference in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds

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Understanding Age Calculation: Cultural Differences and Clarity Explained

Different cultures count age in various ways, which can lead to confusion. Our calculator follows the common Western method, where age increases on birthdays. For instance, if someone is 3 years and 11 months old, they’re considered 3 until their next birthday, when they turn 4.

However, some cultures count age differently. In traditional Chinese culture, age increases on the Chinese New Year, regardless of birth date. This means a baby born a day before the New Year would be considered 2 years old just a couple of days later.

Sometimes, our calculator’s results may seem unclear, especially if the starting date falls at the end of a month. For example, from February 28th to March 31st, our calculator may show either one month and 3 days or just one month, depending on the method used. We aim for accuracy but acknowledge the complexity of counting months due to varying days in each.

We hope this clears up any confusion about age calculation methods